Collection: Mo’s Home with Dementia Collection

Hey, I'm Mo! 
In my work as an occupational therapist delivering evidence-based dementia care using the COPE Program (Care of Older People in their Environments), I help families dealing with dementia every day who are wanting to maximize quality of life [and safety] at HOME. In this collection are some of my very favorite and most effective tools that I recommend to my clients. I hope it helps you, too!

10% of the proceeds from this collection help support the non-profit, Oakwood Creative Care, where I deliver evidence-based dementia care. Please use coupon code OAKWOODCOLLECTION at checkout for free shipping for you and for the proceeds to be donated to Oakwood! If you'd like to connect, find the details in my bio here!

- Monika Lukasiewicz, OTR/L, CLIPP


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Why you need an OT who specializes in dementia care!

An Occupational Therapist (OT) is your superhero! A skilled professional whose expertise can significantly enhance your quality of life by helping you maintain independence, manage chronic conditions, and ensure your home environment supports your needs.

When you're ready to dive into what occupational therapy is, why you might need it, and the myriad of ways an OT can be invaluable in your life click below!

Read Why You Need an OT!