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Video Training: Transferring Folks with Stroke

Video Training: Transferring Folks with Stroke

An essential item is our go-to way to solve the problem because it works for most people

Purchase Training

Learn the facts about helping people with stroke, and specific tips and techniques you need to help move stroke survivors safely, successfully, with less worry, and with less lifting. 

This detailed training course is usually $38.95. But using the coupon code ASKSAMIE gets you 75% off. Get the course for $9.74! 

Higher Standards Caregiver Training has a catalog of over 30 specific and detailed training courses for family caregivers. With the ASKSAMIE coupon code you can get access to the entire catalog for 60 days for $19.99! 

See the Advanced Family Caregiver Training University courses here!

Why we know this works

You need credible, succinct and worthwhile education because this is all new! You are providing care to an important person in your life and you want to do it well. So connect with this course, specific to your learning needs and get confident with your new skills!


Duration: 30+ mins.

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